Friday, September 19, 2014

Multi level Marketing with real time example

Hello everybody.

 I had clearly explained how did a trickster reveal the results of the Football league matches 2 days before the scheduled date. I am going to write about another offline pyramid scheme that I personally experienced in 2007.

 It was around July 2007 the time when I was waiting for my graduation's joining date. One fine day I got a call from my schoolmate. That was the first time we are taking to each other after a long time. We had talked about our new colleges and he told me that he is moving out of our hometown to pursue his higher education and said he want to visit my village once. I invited him happily. The very next weekend he landed in my village with one of his friend and called me to pick him up to my home. 

 The main discussion started at my home. Discussion slowly moving from personal topics to political and economical status of India. He compared the economic status of India with Japan and its development post WWII. Finally he concluded that lack of awareness in technology and corrupt politics are the two factors 
that dragging India down.I just nodded to his conclusions and listening to him. He then opened up his mind and said he has an idea called "e-biz" to change the fate of India as well as ours. "e-biz is educational program to provide vast amount of knowledge to Indian students with an aim to develop India and make it strong competition to the developed countries" he said. I asked for clear details. He mentioned some technologies and programming languages that I never heard before. "You can learn all these technologies at reasonable price and you are not going to believe me, you can earn money too", he offered me with a pleasant and fake smile on his face. "How can I earn money on this program, Should I teach after learning them?", I asked with a question mark face. "No need. First you should enroll for this program by paying registration fee then you are member of this program and you will be provided some set of DVDs and study materials which can make you an intelligent programmer. If you are interested in money then join more members into this program and you will be paid for your service. One more advantage of this program is that you will be paid again whenever the members who joined by you joins other new members. There is no limitation in the level of hierarchy. You will get money whenever a person joined under the person who joined under the person who joined under the person who joined ........and so on under you." he breathe a sigh of relief after a lengthy dialogue. My brother who is more interested in money attracted to his words and shouted "I have lot of friends.I can join so many carry on brother. leave it on me". I said "I will think about it and let you know". He left my home 
after my one sentence reply.

I got a call from the same guy after few days. "Please do not call me if you want talk about e-biz", I said, cut the call and turned towards my stunned brother to explain real business model of a chain business.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A simple fraud. First of its kind

Hi Again :)

   I have discussed my buddy's personal experience in the previous post. Now I want to share a interesting mass fraud happened in England in 1976. I am very much impressed with  the con artist's Math technique though it was easy and of course illegal. People who think that they will never fall for a scam should read this. Now lets jump into the details.

   It was August 1976. The time when England football fans were biting their nails for awaited annual sport event Football league season 1976/77. Patricia, a die hard fan of Arsenal received a letter saying 

"Want to know the results of upcoming Football league matches?? Just send £10 to the following address through post. Results will be posted before the match dates. A result per day will be sent for free for first 3 days. Day-1 : Arsenal would lost in the first match with Bristol city."

Confident Patricia thought the letter was fake and took it light. Surprisingly Arsenal lost match to Bristol city by 0-1 just like the result said by the letter. After 2 days she received 2nd letter with the similar content: 

"Want to for first 3 days. Day-2 : West Ham United would win today against Queens park Rangers."

Eager Patricia watched the match curiously to find out how accurate the post card result was. Match resulted as the post card said. West Ham United won the match by 1-0. No one expected this victory of West Ham United, because it lost its previous match with Aston villa by 0-4 on first day of league. Astounded Patricia decided to send money once she receives the 3rd free letter and confirms the result is right.

As expected, she received 3rd letter which declared Manchester City as winner in the match against Aston Villa. Actual result 2-0 win by Manchester city was exactly matched with the post card result. She surprised how that person correctly said the 3 results in a row and sent £10 without any second thought to get the remaining matches' results. But she didn't received any letters from that day on wards. Few months later she realized how she was fooled after reading the details about this fraud in news paper.

What really happened??
The trickster did nothing other than using simple mathematical concepts to cheat. Being Royal mail's employee he was able to get around 10k valid addresses and for the first match between Team A & team B he printed 5k letters stating team A's winning and remaining 5k supporting team B. After the first match 5k people received correct results and 5k people wrong result. For the 2nd match between team C and team D, he threw 5k addresses with wrong results into dustbin and again divided correct 5k into 2500 for team C and 2500 for team D.He sent letters to half of the people saying team C would win and for the remaining half he said Team D would win.We can guess the next step for match 3. He filtered out 2500 from 5k and again divided them into 1250 each for team E and team F. He used binary search concept to search money.

That's it, Job done. Patricia who was in the list of people who received all results correctly believed that those results were not arrows in the dark and sent £10.But the only way Patricia could console herself was she was not alone. The exact number was unknown but police expected 30-40% people might replied with money. That was definitely not small amount in those days.

So guys, Be careful if you receive these kind of mails. Because technology is making fraudster's jobs easy.

Meet you with my next blog on "Multi-level marketing or Network Marketing or simply Chain business"

Thank you..

Source: million 2 one on discovery channel 


Hello everyone,

    I am Raja. I am so glad you are reading my blog  "onlinecheatings". My intention to start this blog is to share some of online cheating incidents that I came to know through news papers, online stories and personal experience as well.

  After reading my upcoming blogs, you guys may think that I am old-school and not up to date with the tech-trendy world. That's OK but I decided to blog the suspicious incidents, mail offers and online deals which may trap you and finally trash you. I do not want anybody to fall into those kind of traps and let yourself be robbed.

  Last night I got a call from my beloved school friend. He stopped his studies after his schooling and took over his father's retail store business. After talking so much of non-sense he opened up his secret saying he won a prize money of some million dollars. I asked him the details of the prize out of my curiosity. Then he started the story that we came to know about this a very long long ago. He had received one e-mail from Reserve bank of India( The central back of India, Similar to Federal reserve system in US) stating that he won huge amount as a payment of debts from British government to India government. A flash memory struck my mind after hearing this. I told that guy "A lot of people receive those kind of fake mails to make easy money. They are trying to cheat you and this technique is usually called Phishing". I thought he understood the trap and could came out of the easy making money mindset. To my surprise I received a rude response saying I am lying. He left me no choice other than searching my inbox for that fake e-mail and some trustful online sources to make him believe.

  Luckily I got that e-mail in my trash mails and I forwarded him along with some some of the well known news papers' online link with RBI cautions against this Fictitious Offer.

Here are some of the links I referred to make him aware.
Times of India
RBI press release

 Most of you might aware of this fraud long time ago but this blog would be helpful to the people who are not aware of this. Thank for reading. Meet you with my next blog on "How cheater used simple Math to fool hardcore football fans"

Cheers and be careful,