Sunday, September 14, 2014


Hello everyone,

    I am Raja. I am so glad you are reading my blog  "onlinecheatings". My intention to start this blog is to share some of online cheating incidents that I came to know through news papers, online stories and personal experience as well.

  After reading my upcoming blogs, you guys may think that I am old-school and not up to date with the tech-trendy world. That's OK but I decided to blog the suspicious incidents, mail offers and online deals which may trap you and finally trash you. I do not want anybody to fall into those kind of traps and let yourself be robbed.

  Last night I got a call from my beloved school friend. He stopped his studies after his schooling and took over his father's retail store business. After talking so much of non-sense he opened up his secret saying he won a prize money of some million dollars. I asked him the details of the prize out of my curiosity. Then he started the story that we came to know about this a very long long ago. He had received one e-mail from Reserve bank of India( The central back of India, Similar to Federal reserve system in US) stating that he won huge amount as a payment of debts from British government to India government. A flash memory struck my mind after hearing this. I told that guy "A lot of people receive those kind of fake mails to make easy money. They are trying to cheat you and this technique is usually called Phishing". I thought he understood the trap and could came out of the easy making money mindset. To my surprise I received a rude response saying I am lying. He left me no choice other than searching my inbox for that fake e-mail and some trustful online sources to make him believe.

  Luckily I got that e-mail in my trash mails and I forwarded him along with some some of the well known news papers' online link with RBI cautions against this Fictitious Offer.

Here are some of the links I referred to make him aware.
Times of India
RBI press release

 Most of you might aware of this fraud long time ago but this blog would be helpful to the people who are not aware of this. Thank for reading. Meet you with my next blog on "How cheater used simple Math to fool hardcore football fans"

Cheers and be careful,

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