Friday, September 19, 2014

Multi level Marketing with real time example

Hello everybody.

 I had clearly explained how did a trickster reveal the results of the Football league matches 2 days before the scheduled date. I am going to write about another offline pyramid scheme that I personally experienced in 2007.

 It was around July 2007 the time when I was waiting for my graduation's joining date. One fine day I got a call from my schoolmate. That was the first time we are taking to each other after a long time. We had talked about our new colleges and he told me that he is moving out of our hometown to pursue his higher education and said he want to visit my village once. I invited him happily. The very next weekend he landed in my village with one of his friend and called me to pick him up to my home. 

 The main discussion started at my home. Discussion slowly moving from personal topics to political and economical status of India. He compared the economic status of India with Japan and its development post WWII. Finally he concluded that lack of awareness in technology and corrupt politics are the two factors 
that dragging India down.I just nodded to his conclusions and listening to him. He then opened up his mind and said he has an idea called "e-biz" to change the fate of India as well as ours. "e-biz is educational program to provide vast amount of knowledge to Indian students with an aim to develop India and make it strong competition to the developed countries" he said. I asked for clear details. He mentioned some technologies and programming languages that I never heard before. "You can learn all these technologies at reasonable price and you are not going to believe me, you can earn money too", he offered me with a pleasant and fake smile on his face. "How can I earn money on this program, Should I teach after learning them?", I asked with a question mark face. "No need. First you should enroll for this program by paying registration fee then you are member of this program and you will be provided some set of DVDs and study materials which can make you an intelligent programmer. If you are interested in money then join more members into this program and you will be paid for your service. One more advantage of this program is that you will be paid again whenever the members who joined by you joins other new members. There is no limitation in the level of hierarchy. You will get money whenever a person joined under the person who joined under the person who joined under the person who joined ........and so on under you." he breathe a sigh of relief after a lengthy dialogue. My brother who is more interested in money attracted to his words and shouted "I have lot of friends.I can join so many carry on brother. leave it on me". I said "I will think about it and let you know". He left my home 
after my one sentence reply.

I got a call from the same guy after few days. "Please do not call me if you want talk about e-biz", I said, cut the call and turned towards my stunned brother to explain real business model of a chain business.

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